Monday, August 18, 2014


The longer I put off this blog, the easier it seems to just put this writing shenanigan beyond my grasp. It's funny the way I put this seems to make it sound like I am willing to start writing again, willingly. I've lost count the number of times I tried drafting a new post, alas all those rare occasions did not bear much fruit evidently.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy writing very much. There's just an inexplicable urge to put words I keep in my mouth unto a digital medium and let the world read and judge. Sometimes, I wonder if I myself became the thing I despise, but then on the internet, it's really hard to say for certain. Online, we're who we want to be, there's no restriction on becoming someone else entirely.

They say when you look into the darkness long enough, it consumes you. Nowadays, I'm more and more inclined to believe so.

I've stopped working on this blog for so long, I would be befuddled if anyone still reads. For those few who do read, you have my deepest gratitude and appreciation. I would try to write about coherent issues and whatnot in the foreseeable future.

Write, for the sake of writing.